Margaret Heafield Hamilton is an American computer scientist, systems engineer and business owner. She's born on August 17, 1936 in Paoli, Indiana; she graduated in 1958 in mathematics at the Michigan University and after that she moved to Boston with her husband.
Here Margaret accepted a job at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) while her husband was attending the Harvard law school. At MIT she began programming software to predict the weather, but in the early 1960, Hamilton joined MIT's Lincoln Laboratory, where she's involved in the SAGE project, the first U.S air defense system and the next step for her was to work at MIT's Instrumentation Laboratory, which provided aeronautical technologies for the NASA.

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She led a team that was tasked with developing om-board fight software for the Apollo space program, but Hamilton specifically concentrated on software to detect system errors and to recover information in a computer crash , both of those elements were crucial during the Apollo 11 mission in 1969, that took two astronauts to the Moon and back in total safety.

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Margaret left the MIT  in the mid-1970 and in the 1986 founded the Hamilton Technologies. 
In 2016 she received the Presidential Medal of Freedom from Barack Obama.

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