The name Halloween derives from All Hallows Eve, the night before All Hallows Day; in fact, the ancient belived that in that day the deads tried to return in life!!
This day is celebreted on 31st. October;
One of the customs is to dressing up in costumes for scared the spirits.
The most popular subjects are vampires, ghosts, zombies, witches and werewoloves;
Another popular custom is "Trick or Treat",
children, dressed up like supernatural creatures , go house to house 
asking for candies and if they didn't receive them,
they can do a prank at the owner of the house.
All this tradition and customs are typically diffuse in Great Britain, United States,
Canada and in the major part of Eroupe;
but now i want discover with you some traditions and customs of my personal Asian cultures,
the Japanese and Korean ones.
In Korea there's a festival similar to Halloween, named "Chusok",
in this day the families visit the parents' tombs and thanks them 
an offer fruits and rise like gifts.
In Japan, between July ann August, is celebreted the "Obon festival",
known also like "Matsuri", that riminds Halloween too,
in fact this day is dedicated to the Anciants Spirits.
Some interesting traditions are:
Red lanterns that are hung everywhere and 
every night they pick up fires for show at their ancients
where's their families.

This is all for now,
have a good Halloween and good All Hallows Day!


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